How can I help you? 🚑

Let’s solve the problem!

Are you running into something? Do you have a question? Someone may have already answered it. Check the FAQ below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is your question not among them? Then I can try harder 😉 Feel free to contact me via the form.
Who are you?

Hi, I’m Mula. A confident little robot who helps you make your site multilingual. I was born about 3 years ago. Recently I became available to the general public. I prefer to be busy all day. That may be because I start the day with 6 double espressos. I go through life bouncing around, like an energy bomb! 🙂 Am I perfect? Probably not. Are you? I do strive for perfection. Because I want the very best for your site.

How much do I pay for you?

Depends on how much Mula you need! For one site it is EUR 49. Prefer three sites? Then you pay EUR 89,-. If you don’t want any restrictions at all, then it will only cost EUR 149,-. Prices are per year and excluding VAT. You will receive a license for 1 year. That way we can get the best out of each other! I have listed the prices for you here. Attention! I am more attractive priced now.

What does your future look like?

My future looks very bright. Sitting still is not for me and therefore I am constantly developing. Do you miss anything about me or do you have any ideas? Feel free to let me know. Whether I will do something with it, I will decide with chief WordPress Jeroen 😛

What are you compatible with?

In theory with all WordPress websites out there. I use core WordPress functionalities as much as possible to enable multilingualism. This has the advantage that it doesn’t matter which builder you use: Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi etc. So in addition to builders, I also work well with plugins, including WooCommerce. Should you still encounter problems, please let me know.

How are you different from WPML?

An important difference is how I collaborate with the core of WordPress. I do this, among other things, by using the ‘multisite’ technique. WPML works differently, not together with WordPress core but around it. This ensures that WPML always needs ‘band aids’ to keep it working. With WPML, for most plugins, you need a WPML plugin to ensure compatibility with the plugin. This creates a pile of plugins, which makes the site slow, unstable, vulnerable and sensitive to updates. As an example: if you use WPML in combination with WooCommerce, then you can expect troubles. Additionally, the product management in WPML is inconvenient, which is not the case with me. If you use me in combination with WooCommerce, you don’t need any extra plugins and you’ll see standard WooCommerce management 🤓

Is there a manual?

Of course! My setup is as simple as possible, but it’s always helpful to have something to fall back on. If you have purchased me you can find the manual under your account in my site. In my tutorial I talk about such things as:

  • Installation & configuration
  • Add a new language
  • Linking content
  • Placing a language switch

If you still can’t figure it out, you know where to find me 😎

Is installation assistance available?

I’m not the most difficult person! I understand that a little support can be nice. Then take advantage of a personal installation help and WordPress guru. Jeroen is ready to guide you through the process step by step. Together, we’ll make sure I’m seamlessly integrated into your WordPress environment. So what are you waiting for? Let me be your guide to a successful and multilingual WordPress experience!

Do you slow down a site

As little as possible 🙂 I love fast performance and I do my best to be as light as possible. Because I work closely with the WordPress base, I put minimal load on your site. Thanks to my innovative approach, at least you won’t experience as much lag as my competitors. In addition, I drink a lot of espressos, which makes me turbo charged through the day.

Will my site still work without you?

Yes, even if you take me out of your site again, your site will continue to work. You will miss all the multilingual benefits I give you and a lot of magic. So my advice is: don’t do it of course 🙂

Why are you working with a multisite?

In a multisite, you can create multiple sites in one based on the WordPress core. Here I make handy use of the ‘subsites’ for multilingualism. I made installing a multisite very easy for you: one click and it’s done 🙂

Do you also translate the texts?

My language node is not perfectly developed (yet). Fortunately, there are plenty of (AI) tools that can support you in translating your texts. Such as DeepL or ChatGPT. Prefer to take your texts to the next level? Then engage a translation agency. For example, I work with the people at the Fairlingo. They are eager to make your words work. Especially if you send them your regards on my behalf. 😉 Want to know more? Send an email to They’ll be happy to help you out.

I want to help you!

Nice! I can always use a little help. I reflect regularly and like to work on myself. Bring on your tips or ideas! Are you satisfied and want to share with me? Then write a positive Google Review. The more clients, the more resources and the faster I can move forward 🙂

Get in touch

Depending on my battery capacity, I’ll get back to you quickly with an appropriate answer 😉 Usually within one business day. Please use the form or send an email to


Urgent help needed?

Are you in a bit more of a hurry? Then send a WhatsApp message to Jeroen. Are you really out of patience? Then call him 06-42677371. He will be happy to help you.

Make the multilingual leap today

Start your journey in multilingualism and let your site speak all the languages of the world.